Meooowhat the…..!
Well I don’t have all the time in world either, I’m trying my best to build whenever I can 😉 It is frentic that’s for sure, look at my cat’s face when he sees me building like a crazy man 😀
Well I don’t have all the time in world either, I’m trying my best to build whenever I can 😉 It is frentic that’s for sure, look at my cat’s face when he sees me building like a crazy man 😀
Sorry for my lack of opposition Jimmy, busy time of the year :s I’ll get back home to building tomorrow afternoon, I guess time is a luxury not everyone can spare 😉
I’ll just get a little cocktail while I wait for your return my friend 😉
Just a little bonus build 😀
Come on David, lets play a bit! 😀
I’ve got a back up plan in case things go south 😛
Here is a more modern and friendly interior. GOT TP? 😛
Whoever designs your furniture seriously needs to think of something new, first a spiky cupboard, now a spiky chair… not that I can talk I guess, most of my music gear is apparently outdated –
I see what you mean but I know that you want my throne and I’m gonna fight to keep it 😛
I thought you saw the light already, this is a friendly match, no need for exterminations…
do you need a reminder?
I’ll enjoy even more after my Christmas Dalek as eliminated you 😛
Enjoying the ride Jimmy?
I just got a new microchip, so far my circuit board is holding out, maybe you should consider an upgrade?
Too many builds, the circuit burned out, I gotta repair it 😛
Ya well this guy wants more than just a slice, he wants the whole enchilada. LOL 😛
That’s a swell looking cake Jimmy 😀
This cute little guy wants a slice!
Just a little build for celebrating the birthday of my good friend Pistash 🙂
Well since you have long bushy hair just like me, you might need a good hairbrush to groom yourself before applying for jobs 😉
Sorry mate, trust me my break wasn’t spent lazing around, I went and applied for jobs, and had the first of many end of year Christmas shindigs :p Here’s a tiny build back at ya! quick entry for my lug event tomorrow.
Judging by the old metronome you’re using, I bet you still use one of those:
You can’t have a break when you’re in the middle of a battle 😛
Just a tiny build for the fun of it!! 😀
Well I’m sure you can see me from up there since I tend to stand out in the crowd 😛
It’s a fantastic view from up here… But I’m seeing blues and greens, not much red mate!
No efforts on my side, this round is like a walk in the park for me 😛 oh and look what I picked up for you in the park, a RED flower cause RED is what you’re gonna see!!! 😀
Your efforts are pointless Jimmy! Circular even, no points whatsoever 😉
My compass on the other hand is very pointy…
You’re a bit off bro, would you like to borrow this?
Here, let me give you the rhythm:
“One, two….one, two, three, four!!!”
To be perfectly honest, you game doesn’t look very fun… how about some music we can both enjoy?
I have a stingy game for you, it’s called “get inside!” 😛
Doesn’t look like there’s much to do on that island… once you’ve finished pumping up your floats (and maybe your leg) why don’t you come ashore and join me for a game?
This is my IB island and I plan to to fight to the death to keep it!! “Arrghh Sacre bleu!!”
That X-wing is a bit small, maybe you should pump some air into it to make it bigger 😛
The only good war is Starwars! or even better, really tiny cute Starwars!
Well the only lights you’ll see is the ones from explosions cause it’s WAR!!! 😛
You’re searching for the light?
Your spider is creepy and dark so why don’t you let me light it up a bit 😛
I’m sending over a little robotspider to hook you up with some new channels bro!
And if he can’t do that, watch out cause he stings!
The IB is the only show my satellite is broadcasting. Game on my friend 😀
(oki satellite build is out of the way :P)
Stop watching silly TV shows and get building Jimmy!
It would seam I failed to draw first blood…
Maybe I’ll try inject something instead 😉
First Blood!!!!!
Turn on your TV my friends, cause the showdown is about to start! 😀
This round’s seed part is the Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Foil in flat silver!
Pick up your swords gentlemen and prepare for the duel! The round will end in 3 weeks on 12/22, but it will be no less intense.
Who will take it home? Whose builds reign supreme?
Only one way to find out! ALLEZ BRICK!
Who will take home the crown?
Our defending Iron Builder Champion Jimmy Fortel or our challenger David Hensel?
Looking back at Round 7 of Iron Builder Season 4 – from November 2015.
Originally hosted in the Iron Builder Group on flickr.
(In the words of Guy Himber:)
Our special judges ( thank you for taking time away from your Income Tax preparations ) have had an extremely challenger task placed before them. Two most-excellent builders have built their hearts out for the past month and are ready for your eyes to bathe in the glory of their MOCs!
Please welcome our esteemed judges for this round:
1. Tommy Williamson, blogger extraordinare and head honcho of BrickNerd
2. Joe Meno, editor of BrickJournal Magazine.
3. Alice Finch, builder extreme and mother of mice.
And finally, a return trip to Ace Chemicals, but this time Joker’s cooking up a whole different scale of trouble…
What if I told you, your entire hospital experience is just an illusion?
“Oh heck! I got carried away! Remember guys follow the speed limit when riding your speeder!”
“My new ride!”
“Then why am I detecting your fear here?”
I wasn’t eaten. In fact, the dragon taught me Kung Fu…
“I hope you’re not being eaten by that red dragon. Though as an introvert, I always prefer a getaway to stay at my home sweet home…”
And I made my getaway to a far-off land…
Sorry, got detained with real-world work this week. I had to make an escape plan…
…to join the Y-Wing squadron!”
…Ah! now it’s on public hour…
“Oh wait, the station is still closed…
“One more week to go! Let’s turn this round on with the best of what we’ve got!”
“Haven’t seen you in ages, Rod! Did you drank that cocktail for yourself? Or are you opted out from this round?”
…and glory!”
“9 more days to go! I’ll fight you to the end…
for love…
“Look what I found on that building garage! A not so Hot Rod anymore!”
If you’re thirsty, I’m pretty sure Joker could mix you up a little cocktail…
“Sure! But just thinking of that dry and red planet really makes me thirsty.”
Do you mind if I borrow your podium? I need to make an announcement about the manned Mars landings…
“Home? Nah…I have a press con to attend, all I can say is let’s take extra care to follow what I’m building, or you’ll be put to sleep!” …Muahahaha…*Lord Business’ Evil Laugh
And then, from out of the sun… DIVINE THUNDERSTRIKE!
All that wandering about in empty corridors. Maybe you need a lift home?
“About the Space-Age you did mentioned earlier. I prefer to take it up to another level!”
You are not alone. Watch the skies…
…cause I’m bored working out alone here…sigh…”
“I thought you might need this kind of door…
…with an airplane!”
…well, talking about substantial, I think I prefer going where the wind blows…
“Ring…ring…ring….Ah! Glad you’re still here, I thought you have forfeited and runaway!…
I do like steampunk. It’s just I like my builds a little more substantial…
…how about a futuristic era?”
“Hey, I thought you like Steampunk…
Your teasing will not get me off track, Joe! Today is my 18th birthday but I’ll stay on the ball: This competition got rolling one week ago so our round is halfway through already!
I’m gunning to keep my title and won’t leave any space on the throne. Don’t worry I’ll keep blasting out new builds at this pace till the end! Even if I run low on ideas, I can always wing it.
P.S. my First Order of business after Iron Builder needs to be buying a storm trooper since I couldn’t do your sig fig Justus
Your half-baked mockery will not make me see (b)red! So far this competition has been a piece of cake for me – you won’t upset me so easily, Joe!
I seem to have leapt ahead of you in the build count! This is certainly a treet! While I’m enjoying branching out with new build styles you seem to have frogotten about this competition!
You may have thought you could make me jelly with your last build, but our friendship is only beginning! Your speed is putting more wind in my sails and I think you will sea I’m here to put up a fight!
Hey Joe, wanna sea my latest MOC or do you have other fish to fry? I took a deep dive into marine biology and discovered this wonderful “Semaeostona Lapidis” jellyfish.
We can table discussions as to what I have been up to. I’ve been planning to pull the rug out from under you! You will need more than a balding king to dethrone me!
I spent the day working in on this office. What about you? Did you take a day off? Looks like you still have some room for improvement in terms of building speed!
While you sirched for treasures, I have been working on a little poem, Joe. It’s about this “Game of Iron Builder Thrones”:
Oh, Iron Builder on your Throne,
Oh, king of power, widely known.
Don’t underestimate the danger,
Coming from a little stranger!
A builder, Justus, yet unknown,
Harbors ambitions for your crown!
Embrace your destiny my friend:
Your reign might now come to an end!
Welcome to the Jungle that is Iron Builder Justus! I hope this build doesn’t ruin your day, but these rounds can be pretty savage.
This round’s seed part is the Minifig Handcuffs in pearl gold.
Now our two contestants have 14 days to come up with amazing and inspiring creations featuring this seed part. Wish them luck! They’ll better get cracking!
Who are you rooting for? Who will take it home? Whose builds reign supreme?
Only one way to find out! ALLEZ BRICK!
Who will take home the crown?
Our defending Iron Builder Champion Joe Minieri or our challenger Justus Morgenthal?
It is now in the hands of our judges to decide who has won this round!
Good luck to both our builders!
And so it ends! It was a pleasure to take part in this duel, especially against an opponent such as yourself Caleb! Sadly, one last clever rebuke evades me as my energy wanes – I fly toward the sunset on the last of my IB adrenaline, looking forward to sleep, the outside world and things not made out of tridents. Fare thee well, my opponent, and may the best builder win! Thanks for the fun and laughs 😉
Our journey is coming to a close. Thanks for the laughs and the inspiration, Jonah! It’s been an honor to compete here again, and I’ve had a great deal of fun over the past two weeks. But alas, it is now time for the post-Iron Builder sort and organizing. Thanks everyone for following along with our adventure, and I hope you had a good time too!
Ah, it does appear we are at an impasse. I can’t lie, your builds have really hit the mark. You definitely have a shot at the throne! But don’t expect me to bow out quite yet. I aim to have one final build that’ll nock your socks off!
Hey, it’s me again. I’ve been doing some mental gymnastics and, as much as it saddens me to say it, there is still an problem weighing on our newly formed friendship: we’re both running after the same title, yet only one may have it. I have to leave you behind as I muscle my way to victory – it’s the only way. I know you’ll be a good sport and understand the situation.
It’s like what they say in that movie, Taxi Driver, right? “I think you need something. And if you want to call it a friend, you can call it a friend.”
Although I think we’ve got something special here, I don’t want to speed through this relationship – let’s ride this out and see where it leads us, okay? Let’s not launch ourselves into another precarious situation.
Hey, sorry to bug you. I think we’re all feeling a bit antsy after yesterday. You can call me a hop-timist, or say I’m jumping to conclusions, but I really think we have more in common than we have differences. Who else has 100 tridents after all?
Speaking of complicated relationships, before you get swept away by your imagination… I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Johnny isn’t a real person, and you’re not actually in a hot air balloon – that’s just a normal balloon. Maybe it’s time to go meet some kids your age and make some real friends?
Okay woooow – our relationship is clearly a bit complicated right now. I’m going to go check in with my good friend Johnny again since he really gets me. And hey – it looks like he’s finally escaped the swamp! You might still be lost in the weeds though. Your build makes me yawn…
Good morning Caleb! I hope you’re well rested, because you won’t be getting much more sleep before I’m done with you – and by then I’ll have become your worst nightmare.
Here you come ruining my peas and quiet! I was just sitting down to a nice homemade meal. But hey, it looks like it’s time to broc’ and roll, so let’s go! I’d like to romaine on my throne after all.
Aww… Your lizard is so cute I saved the picture on my computer and on my favorite USB key! My PC is almost as antiquated as your building techniques, so I always make sure to backup my files :))
Okay, it’s my turn to make a cute animal! He’s a smiley reminder that you’ll soon be defeeted in this competition. 🙂
Say what you will about my chances, but I can’t help but notice the little guy in the top left. What kind of LEGO city are you running here?!
Such words of confidence… Too bad your little stone can’t let you pier into the future, otherwise you might not have spoken so hastily! Let me wheel in my next build, and your chances sink to the bottom of the river in Lego City – and I’m not hearing any little yellow people yelling “Hey!” and running around speed-building helicopters to come and save them.
Video of the wheel in motion:
Upon examining my Sun Stone, it appears we’re halfway through the competition! But take all the time you need to bask in the radiance of this build, Jonah. I’m sunstoppable at this point anyway!
Nice froggos, but this build is the bomb. mic drop
Happy Barbenheimer, everyone
Your factory’s contraptions are ribbiting, I’ll give you that; but I’d much rather stay outside if that’s all the same to you. You’ll have to come check it out for yourself (and touch some grass while you’re at it), it’s pretty fly.
Suggesting I slow down, eh? Well, I’m only ramping up production over here! I figure it’s best to keep this machine going. After all, slowing down might just give you the leverage you need to steal my throne!
You seem to be in such a hurry, relax! So far this has been a walk in the park for me. I have to say though, I’m still on the fence regarding how I should feel about your company of dwarves trying to steal from me. Not cool, man.
On second thought, I still might want that treasure of yours. I’ve sent my finest dwarves to reclaim it. Even if you find yourself short a few gold pieces, you’d have to be pretty brave to take on these unexpected guests!
Awww, that’s such a cute little dragon! Wait – I mean, AHH! Iron Builder! GRRR It’s a nice little treasure you have there, but it’s nothing compared to the riches housed in this palace!
Well, we’re all happy you got that one out of your system. As for me, I’ve got a hoard of ideas for this round, but sometimes you have to dig deep in order to find real gems.
No, Caleb, no. “Digging” was meant metaphorically… [Sigh] Your playdate with Steve is over, now get back to building!
Oh, I see that the game is truly on now. So you can make rice, but can you craft a victory? You see, I’m something of a trid-ent true Minecraft builder, so I won’t be making this easy for you!
Don’t bother waiting up, I figured I’d give you a head start to even out the playing field. Let the rice begin!
And so our adventure begins! It looks like I haven’t frog-gotten how to build quickly. I hope you aren’t feeling too bogged down by the pressure, Jonah!
This round’s seed part is the Minecaft Trident in sand green.
Now our two contestants have 15 days to come up with amazing and inspiring creations featuring this seed part. Wish them luck! They’ll better get cracking!
Who are you rooting for? Who will take it home? Whose builds reign supreme?
Only one way to find out! ALLEZ BRICK!
Who will take home the crown?
Our defending Iron Builder Champion Caleb Schilling or our challenger Jonah Schultz?
It is now in the hands of our judges to decide who has won this round!
Good luck to both our builders!
We have finally crossed the finish line – I’d say the race is over!
Building is fun, but nothing is stronger than the family…
Are you still alive? This was a triumph!
I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Ivan! This contest has been music to my ears, but also has dried me up to my very bones. And now, with that… I’m dead.. (true story- this is me after 2 weeks of Iron Builders 😀 )
A war it is – tooth for tooth! My sixteeth build might not be as impressive… Well, less chatter and more action – brace yourself!
I see we are in top gear and I must say, this has been one crazy war of the worlds! It really has animated me.
You’ve been quiet lately, but this event has been a blast so far. Looks like both of us are gearing up for the grand finale!
I hope they won’t pick on me! Once my cup is filled, they’ll wish they’d banged their heads against a brick wall instead….
I sea you fishing. Be careful- while you may find the things you treasure most, down in the depths lurks dangerous creatures hammering away… doo doo doo doo…
Did you call me? I don’t think I caught your signal where I’m at. Come swim with me in success and let’s scale up our fun!
I know this competition has been ruff, but it isn’t yet time for us to ring it in. Don’t phone it in- we are both smart. I’ll make the next call as this moc seems app-ropriate.
UFOs you say? Well dog-gone-it! I better be on guard. But I won’t be tweeting my house address for those aliens.
Holy cow! While we’ve been exchanging puns, someone decided to stockpile our livestock! Report it to newspapers, this story must gain traction!
You did a nice worc, I like where your fantasy is going. But don’t think you are trolling me – Hellscream’s eyes are upon you. Hoard or bust!
I see you are scoping out the last post’s details. You may need to magnify it as the details are so microscope-ic.
I think you may need some fire to ignite that stove, but don’t go dragon your feet.
While you’ve been walking in the park I was busy cooking! I can whistle a tune or two, but sounds of my home are music to my ears.
I think it’s time for Johny to take 5 and listen to the music. Don’t get boxed in. This moc is boomin’
Why bother with space exploration though when AI is the real star of the future? Don’t glitch out – they won’t scrap us when they take over the globe…
Space is cool! It lures people like a magnet and stimulates their imagination… I hope your spacemen make sure to get a health check before they embark on their journey.
While you put on some space gloves, make sure you don’t freeze when you see this next one. Icy you might be frozen in your tracks. Tread carefully…
That may be one small leap for a frog but I gotta hand it to you @Space_Glove … here’s a space glove.
I would surely croak if I did so much paperwork! But let’s not jump to conclusions…
It’s office-al, I got to work, put in the hours, and finished my job. The paper is stacking up- do you have what it takes?… also, don’t forget to file your TPS report. That would be great.
Looks like a kaiju is loose so I’ll come flying in to take it out. I think it is time to jet but I do feel the need for speed and some fried octopus!
You’re tentacletively kraking a smile at my previous small builds… This one should be a real catch.
I see you’re about to outrace me – that’s the altitude!
After a bit of rest I think it is time to take you on a trek. Are you ready? It is time to engage and make it so to the final frontier of this Iron Trek.
Looks like ol’ clause needs some rest, but he isn’t on this place’s guestlist regardless if he has been naughty or nice. I think this post should cap-tivate you.
Laundering you say… Better naught to mention it in this guy’s presentce. Our contract has a very specific clause…
I think it’s time to take you to the cleaners while we are at it.
You think something is sus? Well then I think it is time to apprehend this occasion. I think you might be melting under pressure and need to freeze! I’m on your case and ready to take the shot!
You’ve been suspiciously quiet since our last meeting so I vent building once again! Hope you are prepared for the task and another imposting build of yours is soon to follow…
(P.S. The red guy is made from a Spike Prime light matrix. The seed part was not changed in any way)
War? Well, whatever floats your boat! But don’t get too distracted by the captivating vista overboard – icy some stuff coming your way…
You may have taken the first shot in this battle, Ivan, but this is no mere game. This is war and my captain will help lead me to victory!
Seems like we finally cross our paths… I guess I’ll make the first move!
For April Fools this year we have something special: A fully digital seed part duel, featuring two rendering rivals!
It is now in the hands of our judges to decide who has won this round!
Good luck to both our builders!
You are going to lava this build, there is no quest-ion about it! While this adventure may have come to an end, the main story continues on!
This is my final build. It has been a joy to compete against you Joshua! It made me so happy that we got to have some fun back and forth throughout. Happy Holidays and all future adventures!
Christmas has come alright, and the (invisible) elves are busily getting ready all the presents! Any of these presents look familiar?? I think the kids will be happy this year!
Well, this is my final build for Iron Builder, and what a fun two weeks it’s been!! It was a huge honour to compete against you Eli, and so so much fun. I look forward to seeing what’s in that mystery box on the shelf!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
It’s time for a reel Christmas! Something fishy is going on at the North Pole, either Santa is really gifted or he has the worst luck! Take a seat because this isn’t the last you’ll see of me!
Did you fall asleep at your picnic Eli? I’m having a party now – a birthday party! Apparantly I’m an AFOL now… But anyway, let me present to you my latest build – it was a piece of cake! This is my 7th build, but hopefully I’ll have time for one more before the rounds over :))
While you’re daydreaming of your future in a park, I’m busy building mine! Welcome to Iron City – but don’t get lost, this place is big – its not exactly a picnic here! Not only am I flying into the future, but maybe this will also send me flying to victory!
Bam! BOO! I haven’t heard from you in a while so I decided to offer you a picnic! Your flower was starting to wilt but I brought it anyway. Hope this drives you bananas!
Aww cute little spider you’ve got there! While it looks menacing up close – its not so scary in it’s natural habitat! I’ve spent the weekend doing a relaxing spot of gardening. Just watch I don’t squash your little spider if it gets in my way!
While construction has been fun, it’s been a bite quite in here… and now it’s dinner time! Skitter along before you get caught! I’ve got 8 legs up on you!
That’s a lovely porch you’ve got there Eli, but I can’t see the rest of the house! Maybe you need some help finishing it?! Luckily the Iron Builder Construction Service is right on hand, ready to help out. Just let us know if you need help finishing builds in the future!
I’ve planted myself and am ready for your attacks! I wont chair the victory, so go a head and take a seat! If you need me I’ll be having a nice chime sitting here on my porch as the curtains close on you.
I’m not wasting my time listening to music! This is Iron Builder – I’m forging myself a shiny new set of armour to help me battle my way to victory! This build is quite a treet – I do rather adoor it – but I hope nobody’s gonna give me an icy stare at all these bad puns!
After the music stops who will remain? We have yet to sea, but I’d bet on me. Don’t get crabby after seeing this build!
I think you must be getting sleepy, all this talk of moons and stars! Maybe its these deadly poppies, causing you to lose sight of your goal! I’m just gonna keep following this yellow brick road, where ever it leads… Maybe to an Emerald Turquoise City… or maybe to victory!
I’ve been searching the stars, and I haven’t seen you or birds! Try to not get torched while I climb to the top! By the way I’m a wizard and I thrive at midnights!
The early bird catches the throne worm… My feathers are itching for flight, let’s see what this journey brings. You better watch my tail as I fly away with the competition!
This round’s seed part is the Cylinder 1 x 5 1/2 with Bar Handle in dark turquoise.
Now our two contestants have 15 days to come up with amazing and inspiring creations featuring this seed part. Wish them luck! They’ll better get cracking!
Who are you rooting for? Who will take it home? Whose builds reign supreme?
Only one way to find out! ALLEZ BRICK!
…how about a new desk lamp for your building workspace?”
It is now up to the judges to saddle who won this round!
Good luck to both our builders!
I’ve had enough horsing about round with this seed part. It’s been an absolute pleasure to compete with you Caleb and to be able to hold a candle up to you is something I’ve never even dreamed of
I paint got time for train puns, because I’m getting my monet’s worth. Time to brush up the competition and gogh, with this drawdropping model. I hope hue aren’t feeling under Escher currently!
“Knock, knock! Are you there?…
No pressure at all. Just took a break to visit my favourite theme park…
“Is it too much pressure? Cause more will come!”
“Well…hang in there Rod…3 more weeks to go and I hope you’ll survive this round!”
Careful, or this bad boy will riddle you with bullets…
“I’ll let you know my opinion on space-age…but first, riddle me this! One month, one mystery part, one winner, one looser…who am I?”
That tractor is a little old -fashioned. How about something a little more space-age?
“I think you should plow your way, since the field will getting tougher ahead!”
This’ll wipe the smile off your face…
…since I still feel this round is just like a vacation for me!”
“No need, mate! I have mine just to prepare if in case you can’t keep up and I’m on fire….
*Darn it! Now we have 2 similar ideas, I took this shot a few days ago though…well nothing hurts to post it anyway…arghhh…hahahaha
Looks like you’ve got a little fire hazard there mate. Here let me extinguish that for you… along with your hopes of victory.
“No problem with Rock…cause I already have an evil plan to do that!”
If you’re going to dance, you should really do it properly. And that requires ROCK!
“Enough with the teases, I think it’s time for a real dancing!”
I hate to torpedo your enthusiasm…
What did I do wrong to you Guy! I thought it would be enough to bribed you with a Steamed Pork for you to find me a weak opponent! Not the contrary! …oh wait…you like Steam Punk, not Steamed Pork! Argh! My bad!!! T_T
Darn! What a surprise that we have the same idea for our first build Rod! I think this will not be the last though…hahaha
Yes, a month to build until April 7th right? Let’s have fun! 🙂
Okay Kos. I figure I’ll be “hard pressed” to keep up with you, but I’ll go “flat out” and do my best.
Just so I’m sure I’m doing the right thing, we’ve got a month to build irons – is that right?
This round’s seed part is the Paint Roller Brush Handle in light bluish gray!
Wish them luck! Lets see if it’s greener on the other side!
Who will take it home? Whose builds reign supreme?
Only one way to find out! ALLEZ BRICK!