Digital Forgery
Light your fires Boot up your PCs, and get that anvil fan ringing! It’s time for Digital Forgery – do you have what it takes to win a virtual seedpart contest?
You have until the end of April 1st (anywhere on earth) to create a MOC worthy of the Forge Blacksmith Shop using the seed part.
The seed part you must feature in your MOC is the Iron Torso Mechanical Armor with 3 Pins and 4 Holes in any color, plain or with deco.
This should be the inspirational piece you use, your creativity using this piece is your way to hammer render to victory.
You can build and submit as many entries as you want. Only your highest entry will be scored.
Entries will be judged in the three standard Iron Builder categories – Seed Part Use, Building Skill and Puns & Presentation.